travaux de plomberie

The most unusual plumbing jobs we’ve ever had

As plumbers, we’ve been called to the homes and workplaces of numerous people who have found themselves in incredible situations. Like any contractor, we have a whole host of anecdotes and amusing tales to tell about some of the more unusual jobs we’ve performed.

With more than 70 years of experience in the plumbing industry and countless service calls at the homes of countless individuals, our technicians have seen and done a lot of things. We’re not going to talk about the various problems with toilets clogged by objects each more mysterious than the last, nor will we talk about the consequences of the particular methods people used to try to unclog them.

Instead, we’ve decided to tell you about three of our more unusual plumbing jobs, given either their nature or the satisfaction we gained from them.

Our three unusual plumbing jobs

A first in Quebec: installation of solar panels at the Ikea store in Montreal

A little over 15 years ago, we had the honor of participating in the first solar panel project in Quebec. We worked in collaboration with the engineer and the manufacturer of the panels before installing them on the roof of the Ikea store in Montreal and connecting them to generate hot water for the restaurant.

A job not for the squeamish: the installation of drains in the Alfred Dallaire funeral homes

While it may seem rather morbid, it’s fitting to mention that the plumbing systems in funeral homes must comply with certain special regulations. During the embalming procedure, various liquid chemicals like formaldehyde and natural fluids like blood have to be flushed down the drains.

We’re proud that we managed to overcome this plumbing challenge, thus facilitating the work of a team that does an out-of-the-ordinary job.

The story with a happy ending: Alain Chayer’s rescue of a dog whose paw was caught in the crosshairs of a bathtub drain

Here’s the story, as told by the owner of the dog, Jennifer Boucher: “I had washed my dachshund in the bathtub and his paw got stuck in the little cross inside the drain. And when I say stuck, I mean REALLY stuck! I didn’t know what to do. There we were, my mother, my father and I, trying to get it out! We finally decided to call a plumber to find out what to do since it was in a pipe, after all. They were exceptional! There weren’t any plumbers available, so Alain Chayer volunteered to come out. In less than 20 minutes, he was here. He carefully cut the crosshairs in the drain, paying special attention to my dog, trying to calm him down, as he was panic-stricken after having been stuck for a good hour. He finally succeeded in freeing him. The cherry on the sundae: he didn’t charge us anything! Wow! A company with a heart!”

Other unusual situations to come

We’re proud to have participated in such a diversity of plumbing jobs and to know that our company is recognized in the industry, especially for the conversion of gas or electric heating systems while maintaining the supply system, as was the case during the renovation of homes dating from the early twentieth century on Rue du Musée in Montreal.

Do you have an out-of-the-ordinary plumbing project? An unusual situation that requires the assistance of a plumber? Call on the team of seasoned professionals at Plomberie Roger Chayer Inc.

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